Dreaming of Being with You

My boyfriend is waiting for me at the airport. It's been only three days since he came back home alone, but it feels like a month we haven't met each other. I talked with him through skype this morning, and did hope that skype should invent 3D video chat, which might be really cool, don't you think?

Matthew Barneyは神です。他のアーティストの作品ももちろん素敵(一部を除いては)だったけど彼の作品はbeyond the imagination. The Cremasterの世界観に引き込まれてしまった。3時に美術館に着いて鑑賞し終わったのは閉館ギリギリ前。そのうちの1時間半はMatthew Barneyの映像を見ていた気が。彼の作品を上手く部屋に再現した美術館のレベルには驚いた。六本木の美術館はやっぱりclassicな作品ばかりで空間のことはあまり気にしていないけど、現代美術館はアーティストのための演出の努力が半端なくすごい。将来自分もこういうmuseum organizerになりたい。というかなるんですけどね。美術館行く度にモチベーションがあがってしまう私でした。
Don't call me Smee.
今という時間を大切にしなきゃいけないということで、今日は大学の友達と女子度の高いハンモックカフェへ行く予定。お店の名前からして女の子!って感じなのに、友達がまず最初に聞いた質問は「ビールあるよね?!」おいおいw さすがにビールはあると思うけど、発言完全に女子大生じゃないですよ藍衣さんw
via Et pourquoi pas Coline
Most of the things you worry about never happen.
I've been so tired of being stuck in a house almost every weekend. why? All professors started increasing the hell assignments before the final exam of this semester. Please let me out of this room! How can I miss this season when all shops have a great discount. desperately wanna go to Shibuya for shopping:(
最近、英語のエッセイが多すぎてブログを英語で書くのも疲れてきた。でも世界中のbloggerに読んでもらうには頑張って英語使わないと。でも今日は息抜きで日本語で書く!カナダから帰ってきて早6ヶ月近くたちます。そして気づいたらもうすぐ夏休み!3年の夏は冬からの就活に向けて自己分析する時期よだなんて言うけど、私は遊ぶ気満々です。一番楽しみなのが上海旅行!中国っていうと日本人の友達はあまりいい印象を受けないみたいだけど、上海は中国の中でも少し変わっていてオリエンタルな要素そヨーロッパの要素が混ざり合っている都市だそうです。確かに上海を舞台にしてKarl Lagefeldが作ったChanelのshort filmを見るとヨーロッパの要素が自然に解け合っている感じがする。ぜひChanelに興味もない人も素敵なfilmだから見てもらいたいです。
All right, I'm going back to the hell.
Enjoy the rest of weekend, everyone.
Mel Kadel
This morning, I woke up in sweats. Since the rainy season started, I've been bothered by this shitty humid air, just HATE this season. I thought it must be the beginning of the worst day, but it was partially wrong. Finally...finally! I received a book from Mel Kadel! The book never betrayed my expectation. You can't imagine how badly I wanted her artworks! Moreover, she decorated the envelope with cute butterfly pictures, and put some stickers that surprised me. I sent her thanks email and she sent me back, saying "Thanks for sweet notes Marie." You can check her works here. http://melkadel.com/
Dump the old and Welcome the new
I can't believe it's already the end of June. Time goes so fast these days. Last two weeks, so many things happened and I've been mentally tired of catching up with those. I have to say Japanese team winning the last two games really cheers me up. They have a game with Paraguay tomorrow night. Though I'm extremely sick of TV talking about World Cup for 24 hrs, no doubt I'll sit right in front of TV tomorrow night. I randomly posted some pictures that I took last two weeks.
These two photos are from girls' night. Oh boy, we ate like men.
They're my new companies.
He was staring at my camera. He just moved to my friend's house though.
A Bit of Spice
I currently ordered two pairs of glasses at vintage online shop. Probably nobody knows when glasses became a part of fashion. They're no longer geeky items. I've been using glasses since I was in elementary school (well have to admit my first pair of glasses is quite nerdy), so they're always part of my fashion. When I was in Toronto, my host dad told me one of his students from China came to dinner with shiny color glasses. He thought something was weird with the glasses and asked the student to show it to him. Then, he found the glasses didn't have lenses, it was just a frame. If I saw someone with glasses (NO lenses) on the street, I'd turn around in surprise...... or I'd rather convince myself that the person just wanted a little spice on his style, but didn't want lenses because they just bothered his sight.
Alice in Wonderland 3D
I watched "Alice in Wonderland" with my friend today. It's been a decade since I watched the Disney version. Honestly, I didn't like the story it self when I was a kid because those odd characters ( especially Queen of Hearts) and the weird world scared me who always dreamed of being a princess. Now, it is one of my favorite Disney movies. The movie by Tim Burton was quite well made. I enjoyed it very much besides the 3D glasses were holy heavy and gave me headache after that.
Vamos Mexico!
World Cup's just begun! Well, I have to admit I'm not a big fan of football.
I'm not a girl shrieking at good looking players either. But tonight, Mexico is playing against South Africa, and it matters to me. I'm always on your side, my buddies in Mexico!
Mexico, Mexico, vamos Mexico!!!
all pictures taken during my trip to Mexico.
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